Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Good evening...just wanted to express my deepest sympathy to the family of Lisa. I had the absolute pleasure of working with her for a short time at WWHS. I had only worked for the district for 2 years before getting laid off. I was informed by a previous co-worker of her passing and searched online trying to find information on her service and unfortunately i just found it today. In the very short time i knew her, she took me under her wing at work and was just a complete sweetheart. She was someone i was able to go to for help and to confide in if i had work-related issues. In the short time i worked at the school with her, i was transferred to the board office. Saying goodbye on my last day at WWHS was not so bad until i had to say goodbye to Lisa. We both teared up. She fought hard to keep me at WWHS and tried having me transfered to work directly with her. I was deepley saddened when i received word of her passing and wanted so badly to attend her service to pay my respects and to just let you know what an inspiration she was to me on a work level and a personal level. She is someone i will never forget. I pray for all of you for strength and i pray that the many memories of good times help ease your days. Thinking of each and every one of you. God bless.
Robin Pierman