Friday, September 25, 2020
Paul was my big brother whom I love dearly, I lived for his Saturday Morning shout out. always making sure baby girl was okay.He was the one person in my life who never spoke a hurtful discouraging word to me. He was truly the best big brother ever. This loss is something I wasn’t Expecting at this time. but the will of GOD is the will of GOD. I’m thankful for every moment we shared. Who could ask for a greater big brother. His love was unconditional.He was a great help to me.the best memory I have of him was one Saturday he came to my house he didn’t want to come pass the door because I had furniture that belonged to his departed wife which reminded him of her.and I understood His reasons. My baby girl SIthandra must of been 3 years in age and I had just sat down to eat my breakfast and some how SIthandra started to fall down my stairs , I could not move I froze in fear, my big brother moved like a flash of lighting grabbing my babygirl up keep her safe, I was truly thankful for his visit. He turned to me and said the only thing in my mind was to get her before she hit that bottom step .I smile as I think about this now. SIthandra didn’t know he was her uncle she always thought of him as a super hero. And to me that’s what My brother will always be to me my Superhero.My love for him is eternal. May he rest in the arms of the most high until we meet again.your baby sister Paula.