Wednesday, January 5, 2011
To The Entire Family:
The death of a child is usually more tragic and traumatic than the death of an older person because a child is the last person in the family expected to die.
But what I wanted to share with you briefly is the hope the bible sets out for all of us who have lost love ones in death.
It is the resurrection. While on earth, the Son of God said: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice
and come out.” John 5 28 29
Almighty God does not lie. This resurrection hope enables us to avoid becoming overly sad about the death of loved ones. We do grieve but we have hope. 1Thess. 4:13 We rejoice that infants will be brought back to life under the kingdom of God's Son, with the opportunity of never dying again. In the case of infants, we may draw solid comfort from the resurrection hope.
Now some of this information may be new to you but in is all there in the bible.
My Condolence