Monday, November 15, 2010
To Jarmon Family
I wish to extend my condolence
The Bible gives the most satisfying answer to the question, Why do men die and what hope is there for the dead? In this way Bible truth helps to lessen the sorrow and grief. Through the pages of the Bible the Creator enlightens one as to what hope there is for the dead to have life once again. First, why do people die? Read Romans 5 12
Second, What hope is there for the dead? John 5 28, 29
Observe that Jesus here said that all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. This requires that there should be a resurrection the dead. Finally, read Isa 25 8,9 There is actually going to be a time when death will be swallowed up.
While the death of someone you have loved may be the worst emotional experience of your life, it can be endured with the help of the bible. Go to God in prayer. Study his Word the bible to learn the reason why people die and the hope for the dead.
Again I send my condolences